According to research of Dr Stephen Malloch from University of Western Sydney infants and toddlers become less irritable and less likely to cry when someone sings to them gently. Baby music also helps them maintain normal behavioural development. For more information about the 3-year research project done in collaboration with the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne click here.
Gently massaging your baby can help them to relax, as well as assisting in stimulating the nervous system, respiration and blood circulation. Massage can also relieve muscle tension and lead to better sleep.
There are many different techniques for infant massage, but be sure to always consult your doctor before attempting them
Make sure you’re relaxed! Your baby will sense if you are stressed or worried and will have a much harder time relaxing themselves. Take the time to sit with your baby in a quiet room and focus on your breathing. As you slowing calm yourself and forget about the days stresses your baby will notice!
The gentle smell of aromatherapy can soothe and relax your baby. Essential oils can be used when massaging your baby, in a vaporizer or in a warm bath. Be sure to consult your doctor for infant aromatherapy recommendations as some oils can irritate your young baby.
A simple warm bath can do wonders for calming your baby, as well as putting him/her to sleep.